Raw Corn Chowder

Aug.11.11 § 2 Comments

Reading The Omnivore’s Dilemma didn’t leave the best taste in my mouth for corn, so to speak. But the farmers markets are busting at the seams with it, the good kind. The fresh, local, organic kind. And this is how I wanted to eat it – raw. It’s so sweet, cooking it would not do it justice. According to Ani Phyo’s recipe in Food and Wine, which I serendipitously discovered the day after I made this soup, raw corn chowder with cashews is a good source of vitamin B, magnesium, thiamin, and carotenoids.  I only wish I’d thought of her idea to add a handful of greens. Next time!
This soup reminds me of what corn on the cob from a street vendor would taste like, slathered with butter and sprinkled with cayenne or paprika. Mind you, I’ve never had street vendor corn. I just imagine this is what it must taste like. In reality, this soup probably tastes much better because when you make it with ingredients from the farmers market, it’s just so fresh. And the cayenne gives it just the right kick. I hope you enjoy it.
Raw Corn Chowder
  • 4 ears fresh corn
  • 1/2 cup raw cashews, soaked
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne
  • Garnish: Diced red pepper, chopped cilantro, paprika, leftover corn kernels


Leave a portion of the stem on the cob to use as a handle and cut the corn from the cob and then use the dull end of the knife to scrape off the remaining kernels and corn milk. Reserve 1/4 cup corn kernels if you want them for garnish. Place all the ingredients except the garnishes in a blender or food processor (in batches if you’re using a food processor) and blend to desired consistency. I left mine a bit chunky, like a chowder. Taste for seasoning and adjust salt/cayenne to taste. Garnish to your liking and serve. This soup is best consumed within 24 hours of making it, otherwise the corn begins to get a bit too starchy.

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